Sunday, August 19, 2012


The racist strategy Romney is using to try and capture the white house reveled. It is no longer about policies that will help Americans, but the aim is to defeat Obama even if that means opposing policies the GOP once supported in order to
bring crisis in America and then blame it on Obama for anything and everything wrong that happens in America wake up people and see the facts, do not surrender your democracy to people who believe corporations are people.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kenyan men urged to boycott meal

Kenyan men urged to boycott meal especially if it is prepared by their bitches, However if it is prepared by the maid it is okay to eat it. Men have also been adviced to use their maids to try and neutralize their bitches, and not to make a mistake of trusting the bitches. In case of hostility watch for Hot water or Machete. or sleep outside until you are sure you are fit to defend yourself. Ukikwenda kukunywa, lala huko, usirudi mpaka you are sober. this was on a blog today.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Rude shock for Kenyan men facing strong US family law


This is the story of Kibet, a Kenyan living in Massachusetts in the United States, but also the story of many a male compatriot.

 Married for 11 years, he accuses wife, Judy, of throwing him out of their matrimonial home after she started dating someone else.
Kibet says it all began as a row over the remittance of money to his family back home, which his wife was opposed to.
She accused him of being more supportive of his family back home than his wife and their two children, an accusation which Kibet denies.
One day during an argument, she hit him and Kibet grabbed her hands to protect himself. His wife started screaming and when he released her, she called the police. When the police arrived at their home, his wife insisted that she feared for her life as he had tried to kill her, though Kibet maintained he was merely trying to protect himself.
The police advised Kibet to move from the home for a while until they sorted themselves out. He then moved in with his brother.
Judy then filed for divorce in April last year, claiming that she could not continue living in an “abusive marriage.” Kibet denied the abuse accusation and maintained that at no time had he assaulted her and that the incident in question was a case of self-defence.
Kibet was then slapped with child support for his two children as well as alimony, which is supposed to restore his former wife to the financial position she enjoyed during their marriage.
That was not all: His wife was also awarded their matrimonial home.
Kenyan families that immigrate to the United States are usually quickly confronted with the task of reconciling their Kenyan traditions and the US culture.
Kenyan women quickly discover that the US takes violation of women’s rights very seriously, a situation that they quickly embrace. The woman also realises that she has an upper hand in matters involving custody of children after divorce, and rarely is a child taken away from its mother.
According to, 70 per cent of custody cases in US are awarded to women, 10 per cent are awarded to men and 20 per cent are shared custodies.
Immigrant children also become increasingly aware of their freedoms as they integrate into the American school system.
As they interact with other children and teachers, they learn that they are protected from their parents against what is considered child abuse.
Although article 53 of the Kenyan Constitution provides for protection against child abuse, enforcement of the same is inadequate, especially in rural areas.

Cultural norms may be seen as culprits as it may be difficult for a child to report abuse cases by their parents.
Immigrant parents in the US find out that they can no longer punish their children by slapping or even whipping as they used to do in Kenya.
These forms of punishment can easily be lumped into a form of child abuse. Children are known to report the cases to their school teachers as well as to the local police.
School teachers are trained to look out for signs of child abuse and once a case is detected, they are required to report to school authorities, who may in turn contact the local authorities.
This could lead to serving jail time as well as losing custody of your children to the state authorities.
Out of the 24 Kenyan women interviewed for this story, 21 of them felt that there was some bias in the American law towards women, but that it is necessary to protect them from men, while four felt that there was unnecessary bias.
All 26 Kenyan men across the US interviewed felt that the law is biased towards women and that men often get a raw deal.
Most men pointed to state laws that require a man to continue paying child support for a child even if he discovers later that he is not the biological father.

According to a 2006 study published by Current Anthropology, two per cent of married men who had every confidence that the child they were bringing up was theirs ended up not being biological parents after paternity tests were conducted.
Statistics published in 2007 by showed that 1.6 million men pay child support for children that are not theirs.
In many states, courts have ruled that no matter what the DNA results show, the man cannot abandon the child unless he can prove that he was tricked into the role by proving fraud and that he must have stopped acting as the child’s father as soon as he learnt the truth.
Kenyan men, however, feel that some women often misuse the protections offered to them by these laws. Some feel that women use these laws to harass them as well as settle old or new scores.
Back to Kibet. At the time of their divorce, alimony had no expiry date in the state of Massachusetts and Kibet would have to continue paying even if Judy moved in with her new partner.
However, he may soon have some relief.
A Bill signed into law in September last year by Governor Deval Patrick set new limits on alimony, curbing Massachusetts’ lifetime alimony payments. This allows those making alimony payments to stop once they retire or once a former spouse moves in with a new partner.

  • Kenyan women discover that the US takes violation of their rights very seriously, a situation that they embrace

Since the court deemed Kibet and Judy to have a “toxic” relationship, Kibet can only see his children under supervised visitation where Judy’s brother watches close by.
Supervised visitation ensures that the physical and emotional well being of children is guaranteed when the parents are in bitter divorces.
Kibet is seriously considering moving back to Kenya, severing the alimony payments that his former wife enjoys. He, however, worries about permanent separation from his 10-year-old twins.
According to Judy, however, their marriage started getting abusive in 2005. She says she suffered emotionally as Kibet often disregarded her in matters concerning family finances. “He wanted everything his way,” Judy says. “It was either his way or the highway.”
Judy insisted that she did not have a problem with him sending money back home, but she resented the fact that she would always have to beg for certain basic needs to be met at home.
Send money home
“I have never seen a man slash his wife’s grocery list, marking some items as unnecessary while he affords to send money home,” she lamented. “I just felt neglected and not important enough.”
Judy, however, stands by her claim that Kibet abused her and used words that intimidated her.

“Trust me when I tell you he humiliated me in front of the children as if I was a nanny,” she continued. “I had been in that marriage for 10 years too long.”
Nyaga came to the Texas in 2004 leaving Maureen, his long-time girlfriend back in Kenya. He was, however, determined to bring her over so that they could start a life together.
He worked hard and sent her money for a passport, visa processing fees and an air ticket to join him.
Nyaga was ecstatic when Maureen joined him in 2006. He immediately enrolled her in a college where she pursued a nursing course. Maureen graduated in 2010 and invited a large contingent of friends, but she did not invite Nyaga.
Nyaga did not even know she was graduating and only found out from a friend who was at the ceremony.
His friend sent him three photos of his girlfriend in her graduation attire posing with those who had accompanied her to the ceremony.
He was speechless. He had worked so hard to see her through, and he still hoped it was just a prank.
It wasn’t.
Nyaga waited for her to come back home and furiously demanded to know what was going on and why she would mark such a milestone without even letting him know.

  • Kenyan women discover that the US takes violation of their rights very seriously, a situation that they embrace

Her answer marked a stark contrast to the woman he knew and loved.
“I do not go out with uneducated people,” she said. “You came here before me and you have never graduated and that shows that your priorities are messed up.”
With that, she packed a small bag and stormed out of the apartment.
She did not return home that night.
Unknown to Nyaga, she was already seeing someone else and had already got her own apartment.
She came back the following day and carried away most of her belongings while Nyaga was at work.
Nyaga eventually traced her to her new apartment but she never answered her door for almost a week.
She then went a step farther by taking him to court, claiming that since they had lived together for more than six months, they were statutorily married and she was entitled to half his property.
Since they had lived together for close to four years and they had always presented themselves as a married couple, the judge ordered that the property Nyaga acquired during that period be divided equally among them.
Nyaga was upset by the ruling and decided confront her at her apartment.

When the police arrived, she said she felt threatened by his frequent appearances at her door and that she did not feel safe outside of her apartment. The police arrested him and charged him with stalking.
After two nights in jail, the police handed him over to immigration officials who deported him three months later.
Maureen, on learning his fate, was sympathetic to his plight but she maintains that Nyaga made her feel threatened by stalking her.
She said that though she is grateful to Nyaga for helping her out with her school fees, she felt that he was very possessive and always had lofty expectation for her that put so much pressure on her.
“I was going to take a loan and pay him back all of his money,” Maureen said lowering her voice. “I did not think that it was worth staying with him just because he paid for my studies and honestly it did not have to end like it did.”
Asked why she went for half his property, she said it was done in a moment of high emotions and she did not intend to follow through with the court’s decision.
In a tragic incident in October 2010, Justus Kebabe, a Kenyan immigrant, snapped and took the lives of his wife, Bilha Omare and their two children: son Kinley Ogendi and daughter Ivyn Ogendi, in Minnesota.

  • Kenyan women discover that the US takes violation of their rights very seriously, a situation that they embrace

During subsequent investigations, it was revealed that Kebabe was abusing Ms Omare while the couple lived in Kenya.
When they got to the US, the abuse continued and at one time the police were called in.
Kebabe was convicted of the crime and sentenced to supervised probation.
After the incident, Kebabe was bitter with Omare, who he blamed for his unemployment woes saying that if she had not reported him, he would have been holding a job.
In the US, if a pre-employment background check on an applicant reveals prior convictions of any nature, it is difficult to find employment even after rehabilitation.
An already violent relationship boiled over with Kebabe’s fears his wife would abandon the marriage once she graduated, as well as his suspicions she was cheating on him.
A family friend claims he was jealous of his wife who was working and was planning to graduate in two months’ from a nursing programme.
At the time of the fateful incident, a supervisor working with a domestic and sexual abuse shelter in Minnesota said that domestic violence can become heightened among immigrant families who are dealing with power struggles between male and female roles.

Betty Balan had noted that many women tend to gain more independence after moving to the US. They discover they can work outside the home and may pursue an education.
The men “feel like they’re losing control of who they are, and their families,” she said. “It’s threatening when someone has more control and more power.”
As some Kenyan men continue to frown at the “biased” laws, women in the interview pool counter by saying that only men who are abusive find these laws biased.
“Kenyan men should understand that the days of oppressing women are over and they should shape up.”

  1. Submitted by bobcats
    I agree with Subsaharan Africa, marry for yourself and not clan , my American wife is the best gift God gave me, 12 years and going strong.You can marry from anywhere, just let it be out of love.
    Posted  February 13, 2012 07:44 PM  
  2. Submitted by leemy
    Conditions push both parties to the wall-One doing 2 or 3 or night owl/hawk jobs- surely can there be any sanity when the body gets NO rest. Did 8 to 5 jobs at home, went for a beer and wife coffee with friends,a nanny was home with kids.West scheduled life- run home to see children- pay bills that fill your maillbox-pay mortgage.Stress x 1M -NO excuse but causes-No babysitting- waiting on men in the west.Sharing of chores.
    Posted  February 13, 2012 06:47 PM  
  3. Submitted by masumbi
    I have heard this song before. Kenyan man migrates to US, marries a cocaine-addled ghetto girl with a brood of kids or some fat white trash to get a green card. Dumps wife after 3 years and returns to Kenya on a 2-week wife search expedition. Finds a ready-made professional wife found by relatives and returns to US. The rest is as aforementioned.
    Posted  February 13, 2012 06:29 PM  
  4. Submitted by subsaharanafrican
    My brothers, here is a word of advice as I've been there. Marry for yourself not for 'your clan' (that is why most of us go back home to marry). After a bitter divorce, I'm now married 6 years to an American. Never been happier!
    Posted  February 13, 2012 06:18 PM  
  5. Submitted by Sywanga
    Fine, Luv and marriage does not depend on dependence or gratitude. But clearly Maureen was evil n should not have ended the relationship like that. American law and naivety aside,Nyaga deserved some respect. In my backyard this woman merits a death sentence or full atonement of the victims feelings. Asante ya punda ni mateke. Maureen will get worse in USA or possibly meet real regional Nyaga at home once she comes Back.
    Posted  February 13, 2012 06:07 PM  
  6. Submitted by Madscientist82
    The influence of model culture on the traditional institute of marriage is extraordinary. My wife, a modern working woman and self-confessed shoppperholic, is argueably the most selfish person i have encountered to date. Doesn't believe in planning for future or children, doesn't beleive in chores or responsibility. Marry a highly educated woman with a level head and deep understanding of life. Forget looks and charm, they are not long term. Divorce or affair is inevitable for me just glad we have no kids yet.
    Posted  February 13, 2012 04:43 PM  
  7. Submitted by Delnov
    The operative word here is enforcement of the law. Enforce existing traffic laws on Kenyan roads and many people will stop driving. Child support is a stark reality for all who attempt to father children. In the US it is simply and strongly enforced never mind the reason for the separation.
    Posted  February 13, 2012 02:20 PM  
  8. Submitted by rofi
    Kenyan women in America get tired of living with Kenyan men who have to do KYM jobs 16-18 hours a day, and yet they can't bring enough bacon home and they ain't there to take care of the business, SUCKS! That ain't cool man, they are looking for AWESOME!
    Posted  February 13, 2012 02:14 PM  
  9. Submitted by hoke
    @2000Greg, you are right and very wrong. Dr Phil's he provides and takes care of his family and his wife is being a wife because there she sees a real husband. Most Kenyan men want to be big babies. A good husband will be blessed with a good wife. My ex was alcoholic did nothing for the family and still demanded, I provide for him and the kids. I kicked him out, I would have done worse. I have no apology to make. Some men push their women to the limit.
    Posted  February 13, 2012 12:42 PM  
  10. Submitted by mkaeri
    I wonder why we wonder...Adam gave a rib to Eve and he got a poison fruit in return, that is WOMAN for you spelled in capital letters. I've lived with one for ten yrs and i retain my 'rib" for myself, that doesn't mean i don't care for her but I'll never give her my "rib" that way she'll never bring me a poison fruit from the serpent...but if i was in the U.S and she pulls such shenanigans under the "law" then I'd gladly take her to hell with heard me right...
    Posted  February 13, 2012 12:33 PM  
  11. Submitted by jakogwen
    I live in Kenya,Nairobi.I provide child support to my ex-wife who has my 2 children.i pay everything + schoolfees.She is now very happy with another man who caused the divorce.She din't go to any court to get this but i said to myself that i have to take full care of my responsilbilities.i am very ok with it.If you are a honest father you must pay up.No law should force you to do the obvious things if you are called dad.
    Posted  February 13, 2012 12:08 PM  
  12. Submitted by kalungawanje
    stay at home(kenya), why bother going where you are not wanted? and where there is no support for family?? serves you right!
    Posted  February 13, 2012 11:36 AM  
  13. Submitted by nyashinyangwiviGmail
    If she starts shouting, screaming and throwing stuff at you. It is time for you to leave! Leave her and never turn your back. You are a real man. The police is silly, you can easily end up in jail on fabricated charges.Sometime it is painful to leave you son/daughter but I would go for a year or two. Many Kenyans in prison or who killed their wives, its because they came back a week or two to see their kids and then it kicked off big time and became ugly. Police came ....its too late.
    Posted  February 13, 2012 09:42 AM  
  14. Submitted by 2000Greg
    Dr Phil once said on his show that he has never washed his own shirt nor has he ever cooked a family meal. His wife said that, thats how she wants her marriage to be. A good wife comes from God. I see many Kenyan women rushing to the District Courts and the Sheriffs office giving their husbands a hell of a time. Not necessarily for child support but to punish the men. My advice is Stay Away fom Her even for two years even if it means missing your child.
    Posted  February 13, 2012 09:26 AM  
  15. Submitted by mukarara
    Kenya women in America are abusing the law left and right and the officers and judges in America cannot differentiate a lie and the truth. Tell me when a woman is living with a man who is the father of her kids and she is married to another man who they have no kids together
    Posted  February 13, 2012 09:10 AM  
  16. Submitted by musia22
    @Ogallo, if your friend who is living in the basement can prove that his bro. inlaw had acquired his property (with the new constitution) he can get it back
    Posted  February 13, 2012 07:48 AM  
  17. Submitted by kinera
    Talking as an insider kenyan men are not being mistreated,they forget that life here in the US is so heard especially with the children and expect to be waited on by their wives at all times.They forget that here nannies are expensive and with no families around for surpot, meaning that the wives cannot handle the whole burden.They work 2> jobs only without having time for their families .What makes it worse is that the money they get most of it is sent back home without family pririties .So what do you expect
    Posted  February 13, 2012 07:30 AM  
  18. Submitted by freddyde
    This nonsensical story is not true. I live here in the states.... hey people if you act like an animal, the law will deal with you.. but lying to Kenyans that we are footnotes to the law here is utter nonsense.
    Posted  February 13, 2012 05:15 AM  
  19. Submitted by talkinghead
    Kenyans, just walk away. When you walk away you win everytime. Try it. It has worked for me everytime!
    Posted  February 13, 2012 04:01 AM  
  20. Submitted by jgatihi
    Don't demonize Kenyan women in US because this is not true. The law in California is very clear. 50/50. You hit any parties you go to Jail!! This for both male and female. This is fair; This is not Kenya where you can hit women and get away with it. We are all the same and I like it that way. Kenya needs to change and protect women too. Kenya women in US work hard and invest more in Kenya than us Men. Give our women credit.
    Posted  February 13, 2012 03:13 AM  
  21. Submitted by amaniimani
    Kenyan men in the diaspora need to grow up! Its a jungle out here and only the fittest or shall i say the richest survive! Women have the law supporting them, then so many options as far as men are concerned! the mzungu men clean, change diapers, cook...and you? then wonder when they leave?
    Posted  February 13, 2012 02:17 AM  
  22. Submitted by Walimoto
    Western societies especially the family unit, are broken; single parenthood is made attractive by the law, the society etc. Unfortunately our women adopt very quickly dropping our excellent cultural values to take advantage the 'goodies offered'. However,the bible, African values are very clear on the family protocol. Let us learn from these before destroying our families. Kenyan women in the diaspora are embarrassing!
    Posted  February 13, 2012 01:26 AM  
  23. Submitted by wamamiungi
    It happens among all nationalities not just Kenyans! I have seen Asians,africans,europeans undergoing the same. Life in the west bring alot of antagonism be it US,UK,Canada,Australia.....i would rather marry someone who has battled and hustled with life over here meaning what i see is what i get rather than struggle to bring a lion in sheep's skin. Be warned!
    Posted  February 13, 2012 12:08 AM  
  24. Submitted by wkithi
    Men, get a secret account that she does not know about, so that the day she feels like cheating on you with her workmate,and when she takes you to the judge and given half of what you have worked for all your life,then you will be ok.Money is a loyal friend
    Posted  February 12, 2012 11:58 PM  
  25. Submitted by RKW
    You have to take care of your kids whether you want it or not. There's no discussion about that. I have never dated a kenyan gal ( where are they?) but the stories i hear and know are quite troubling.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 11:47 PM  
  26. Submitted by kameremwariri
    i wish someone could listen to my story.this is nothing compared to what i have gone thru.this america have shown kenyan men a real dust
    Posted  February 12, 2012 10:42 PM  
  27. Submitted by jon2xx4
    IM SUPRISED theres still kenyan men sweating over kenyan women.Wazungus dont have hii mama drama. Grab one...they r free, hata ulipi BRIDEPRICE
    Posted  February 12, 2012 10:42 PM  
  28. Submitted by Jarabi
    Before you play games, learn the rules. No excuses! No lies!
    Posted  February 12, 2012 09:53 PM  
  29. Submitted by MkristowaKenya
    Am married for 22 years now.There is no institution as satisfying as this. But the two must learn to become selfless, and sacrifice oneself for the success of the family. All misundersatnding can be solved with love if the two are willing. It is true that, some abuse others in the family, but this still is a failure. Let it not appear as if family life is life of woes. Let those who have not started not to be deceived.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 05:55 PM  
  30. Submitted by toxic
    @Mboka and all of those who think alike. Child support is money that goes towards supporting your children and has nothing to do with your ex, so what she does on her free time is none of your business. I'm a Kenyan man living in the US and I pay child support for my son despite having him half the time. I'm sick of hearing Kenyans here complaining about it. If you don't want to pay child support, don't have children. If you do, pay up and shut up.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 05:49 PM  
  31. Submitted by DanToro
    Not wanting to be tribal or anything but does this happen across all communities from Kenya over there or is the incidence ratio skewed towards a particular region?
    Posted  February 12, 2012 05:06 PM  
  32. Submitted by wawerugithiri
    .....................Men need to put contingent measures to to absorb the severity of emotional and financial shock wave that can result after this feminism and affirmative action explosion.................... It's only the smartest of the men that will survive.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 04:44 PM  
  33. Submitted by ftmwang
    The world is getting worse in any way you look at it.That is why marriage definition is being changed.The devil has increasingly taken over humanity.The so called called world leaders,world powers,world nations are changing everything.They are forcing the Africans to accept gaystyles as an alternative and they have no choice cause the dictators are powerful.Africans take anything white as good and supderior.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 04:10 PM  
  34. Submitted by amisoi
    What happens if one’s head snaps and quits the job without knowing? Does the law provide for his support by the capable wife or does one have to remain on charity coupons? These laws should be revisited to make the quitting spouse provide support for the dumped husband until he is back on his feet! With this approach the people will think twice before deciding on pursuing such dirty tricks.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 02:12 PM  
  35. Submitted by Legitleaks
    Dear Brothers especially eligible bachelors like me. Get a good lawyer to draft you a good prenuptial AGREEMENT (suited for laws where you are going to live) before you sign that marriage certificate cause after that all the laws and the world will be against you. That way you can have something to land on if the prenup wont prevent this unacceptable travesty of ruining your family and property.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 01:36 PM  
  36. Submitted by karose81
    Quite unfortunate for these Kenyan men in the USA, don't worry guys am woman but am a witness that kenya men are the best in this world they will come to know that later!
    Posted  February 12, 2012 12:53 PM  
  37. Submitted by padrepaddy
    Let me tell you first hand THEY ARE NOT TOYS and should be used at the right time.i am not trying to gush up,So will the real men get up and own one
    Posted  February 12, 2012 11:40 AM  
  38. Submitted by Okwash
    Went almost through the same experience only that mine didn't call the Police but i knew it was in her plan, so i moved out before things turned from bad to worse, now i'm paying childcare but can only see my Kid when she feels like. I'm always not surprised to read kenyan Men killing their wives or ex. wives in the US or elsewhere in Europe. I will remain a bachelor for some time.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 11:39 AM  
  39. Submitted by rikkikimani
    I am amused by the way Africans want to be westerners then cry foul. We are busy copying western democracies and laws yet they have no place in Africa, why, because we have traditions and cultures. Read my lips
    Posted  February 12, 2012 11:32 AM  
  40. Submitted by Mishuki
    I saw it coming,I moved out before things went from bad to worse.Thank God there are no kids involved.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 09:49 AM  
  41. Submitted by zem2011
    I have heard many stories of this nature right here in Minnesota(monthly). Some men are nervous and therefore end up being too suspicious of their wives/girlfriends.Stalking is a serious crime in America.In general,America is about giving due respect to your wife and children.Domestic violence cases can ruin your life if background checks show so.If that is the case, how come you steal millions in Kenya,participate in mass transfers of people and expect to seek a job with the public,if a simple domestic case where one slapped his wife cannot be hired here?
    Posted  February 12, 2012 09:29 AM  
  42. Submitted by MsichanaNYC
    What is common with Kenyan men in the western world, is their "authority" mentality they have. Your wife is NOT your property, your child or your maid. She is your partner. When you learn to respect that your relationship will flourish. You cannot buy love, if someone truly loves you, they will not be vindictive. Maybe these relationships weren't based on love but what one can offer. And maybe there was the "you owe me" attitude dished out and making it a bad relationship. Either way, whatever you decide remember marriage is a partnership, not a dictatorship.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 05:24 AM  
  43. Submitted by charlthuks
    Kenyan men live in "Denial" land, neighbored in the South by "I know it all Land". Sorry if you don't realize it, America is a capitalist system where everything is for profit. Education breaks the barriers for those willing to pay the cost. A woman's respect to a man is guaranteed when she feels secure. If she gets liberated by graduating from college yet men don't even think of school, what other security does she need from a man? Kenyan men need to migrate to the "I need to improve myself" Land where there is education, well-paying jobs, respect.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 04:46 AM  
  44. Submitted by Zeepi
    You have heard of cases where women have been murdered by their husbands. Some of our boys have been mistreated to the point where they live like slaves in their own homes. They are thrown out of the matrimonial home to live elsewhere but still pay the mortgage, slapped with child support and alimony. Desperate and angry, they kill. Advice to our girls - be careful, you might not live to enjoy that money.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 03:50 AM  
  45. Submitted by hezman05
    Why not get a mariage MOU designed by couples before marriage and let each respect it to leave together in harmony? This world is changing at a rate and we may end up having life bachelors or multitude of gays. I am not a gay but I rare hear such thing with their relationships.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 03:23 AM  
  46. Submitted by wanuty
    Who writes this upuzi? And anyway what evidence is there that Kibet is not a habitual wife beater who had terrorized his poor wife for years?
    Posted  February 12, 2012 03:14 AM  
  47. Submitted by wkithi
    Gender war is taking a rather sad sometimes comical dimension.Our sisters are learning very fast from their N American counterparts .If you marry from kenya and bring her over here,once she is settled with money,degree and walking papers,she will run away with one leg leaving you in debt.It has happened.Then after watching so many soap operas,strife will begin, and you will be emasculated daily and the the court judge takes away whats left of your manhood.Our sisters are in a crisis mode it seems.Not all of them though
    Posted  February 12, 2012 02:50 AM  
  48. Submitted by Dictatorship77
    When will Kenyan men stop sponsoring this ungrateful girls by bringing them here.I will never bring a woman from home if she does not have my kid/kids.At least if she comes here and find another guy she will be a MUTUBA courtesy to me.Nyaga your are a dummy especially for paying her tuition.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 02:47 AM  
  49. Submitted by olegaita66
    What the designers of such draconian laws do not understand is that legislating family wrangles will only backfire and kids are left suffering.Trying to empower females on the idealogy of gender equality is rather idiotic.You can't just try to correct nature.It may appear brutal that men have always dominated females but thats what it has been and even in the wild the same principals apply.The western society is on the extinction path with these liberal nonsense while just follow blindly.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 01:23 AM  
  50. Submitted by kanyonikega
    Guess kenyan men are not fit for america if thy cnnt follow basic ethics of looooving significant otha
    Posted  February 12, 2012 01:18 AM  
  51. Submitted by mwariwamungai
    Women wanna sleep around, men wanna sow their wild oats. If you wanna play around, you gotta be ready for the consequences especially in America. You can't act like you're in Kenya, America ina wenyewe.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 01:10 AM  
  52. Submitted by thulicious
    Is this happening only to kenyan men? Whether this happens to others or not, Obviously men are between a rock and a hard place. Solution, shape up, learn how to Communicate with your spouce, listen to them and know what their needs are. If its beyond fixing agree to disagree honorably through Divorce. Its better that being in the news i guess. But with communication, spouses that love each other will agree to fight their troubles together. Enjoy your weekend kenyans.
    Posted  February 12, 2012 12:54 AM  
  53. Submitted by kokomoko
    simple solution- just dont marry a kenyan woman especially those nyeri charlie's angels
    Posted  February 12, 2012 12:20 AM  
  54. Submitted by wamamiungi
    what about when a woman bring a boyfriend from Kenya....what happens?
    Posted  February 11, 2012 10:11 PM  
  55. Submitted by KingJulian
    Abuse is never okay-whether verbal or physical. So, there's no excuse for people like Kebabe. Sending money home is a good thing but not at the expense of your own family. It's not fair to the kids or the spouse. Life in the U.S. presents new challenges, a mature couple should talk things through before things get out of hand.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 09:56 PM  
  56. Submitted by On123
    I guess I should fall in line in castigating the western culture that favors women over men, but on second thought, I am thinking NO. It is our primitive African culture which needs to follow up. Why is it that Africans/Kenyans seem to adopt some parts fo the Western culture when it truly favors us but reject it when it is unfavorable. It is one on nothing
    Posted  February 11, 2012 09:02 PM  
  57. Submitted by sohnn
    Why should kenyan men feel betrayed? If you bring someone who later ignores you, why dont you go ahead and leave them alone? You should always be careful and dont just bring people over naively, spend on them, people change, and America changes people. So, be wise, and dont hold on to someone, if she wants to leave, let her go, people here divorce almost every time, just be careful...
    Posted  February 11, 2012 07:53 PM  
  58. Submitted by keynotes1972
    American law is biased to women due to historical male chauvinism present in world cultures even today America included. This can be balanced by wisdom and values of love. Women of all culture take advantage of this law. For good; protection of women and children. Negatively, for economic greed, destroy family because law does not address women's Psycho Sensual frontage and economic violence towards men. What is free about losing a child, family to state authority? Lead to a nation of divorce, frustrated relation wise, no intimate trust, kids become prison residents in and out suicidal . What a 'freedom.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 07:42 PM  
  59. Submitted by Petmain
    KENYAN women in US can settle in courts their disputes without revenge or grieve but have chosen Police and Immigration inviting more enmity sometimes leading to Murder. One US Mother stopped working to allow her husband Graduate only to be divorced after his graduation, but instead of doing it the Kenyan way she went for the divorce and started looking for another job. But this is what she told me “The Best revenge is your success”. She got what she was entitled to in divorce and went on with her life without knowing where to start. Kenyans are different.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 06:12 PM  
  60. Submitted by Kontesir
    You've to be conscious of everything around you in the first place... In a certain circumstances you should think thrice.. Look for someone who wouldn't betray you.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 05:57 PM  
  61. Submitted by primate
    For us men, we should acknowledge that some of our customs and traditions are unfair. A woman leaves her family and comes to live with me , in our ancestral homestead and its expected of her to be subservient to her inlaws.Thats wrong.Mke ni wako.And vice versa , mume ni wa mke.keep those inlaws at bay.Having said this though,women must be very careful.As they say "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence".But when you jump the fence, you again notice its more greener where you just left.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 05:53 PM  
  62. Submitted by Pende
    Men are to blame NOT Women, because they fail to look at the statistics before getting involved with marriage. I do not know why there is a rush to get married. According to enrichment journal on the divorce rate in America: The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41% The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60% The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%
    Posted  February 11, 2012 05:11 PM  
  63. Submitted by SAFARIAUTHORITY
    Its very sad reality but its for real. To Kenyan divorced women,there is a divorced Kenyan in NJ who keeps on snatching other women men for a date, she had breast implant to keep shape, she goes to the gym always and she has a small male dog.Is that the life your looking for? This lady cannot attend any Kenyan parties because she will be acused by other women of trying to hook with their husbands. She lives isolated with her kids. Girls think again
    Posted  February 11, 2012 04:07 PM  
  64. Submitted by shallom2010
    when all is said and done, its about a persons character and attitude. You just don't go using people for your own advantage. What goes round comes round. If you falsely use others its just a matter of time and you will have your share. The laws are there to protect everyone and yes, custody is awarded at the "child's best interest". However, in claims of abuse and neglect, the abuser is not likely to be considered. I'm a social worker and I know what happens here
    Posted  February 11, 2012 03:24 PM  
  65. Submitted by betterkenya
    I guess I am in double trouble. First, I live in Philadelphia P.a. where from what i just read-men are endangered spieces-prey of their kenyan spouses. Second, she is from Nyeri and i just read an article here where they are slashing their men right on their face. Aiiiiii!!! I have declared and confirmed myself a sinior bachelor.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 02:39 PM  
  66. Submitted by karateka
    It is true these incidences are prevalent in America, UK and other parts of Europe. It is annoying to note that the law is applied unjustly to subject man to oppression and exploitation. Actualy I would describe it as violation of human rights.Law must take into consideration that every person deserves treatment like a human regardless of gender. I truly believe that the trend deserves resistance in the same manner slavery or racial segregation was resisted.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 02:35 PM  
  67. Submitted by stkahagi1000000ngumo
    men make these laws not knowing the repercussions. kenya is next with the so called women rights.u wait and see how they will abuse it.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 02:27 PM  
  68. Submitted by hlestakov6
    western culture and laws.a secret weapon for materialists and opportunists.lets value dialogue at homes.If not we will all end up as GAYS.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 01:38 PM  
  69. Submitted by lolote12
    Let women know and understand that a man is a man,he will soon learn how to remain a man with this laws and am sure its the woman who will cry,and she will cry painfully,just wait and see.Women should stop abusing Men.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 01:32 PM  
  70. Submitted by gumo
    I think the case applies to men who bring wives from shags to kenya cities, educate them and all ... only for the lady to elope with a college colleague. So i don't think its unique to USA.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 12:23 PM  
  71. Submitted by harrycase
    Do I seriously need all these hassles? Call it anything but would rather enjoy reluctantly enforced laws in my motherland!
    Posted  February 11, 2012 12:21 PM  
  72. Submitted by anita2011
    Kenyan women like women the world over feel that it is their right to control men and take advantage of them as men took advantage of women for centuries.Both are wrong!Feminism is what will kill marriages and destroy families.Remember your marriage vows people.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 12:13 PM  
  73. Submitted by rolexgitonga
    before immigrating it is important to learn the laws of the given country to learn the dos and donts before starting a business or a family
    Posted  February 11, 2012 12:04 PM  
  74. Submitted by Abuero
    Well said.One husband travels out of town with his lorry to Mexico of course as part of duty.Comes back to their matrimonial home to find another man in his bed.The wife warns her husband of the visitor and the husband divorces there and there.A recent true episode involving a couple in America.Did the wife have the so calkled right?
    Posted  February 11, 2012 11:40 AM  
  75. Submitted by dema69
    Well brothers,the days of "you do what i say because i´m the head of the family" are gone. No more dictatorship and no more going it alone. Just come to terms with it. Marriage is not a one man show, it is a partnership.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 11:33 AM  
  76. Submitted by mtumojatu
    Women who suddenly discover freedom can be very devious. And matters will be made worse here with the advent of the new constitution which has given them a lot of freedom.Men be aware.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 11:18 AM  
  77. Submitted by Mkenyumbani
    Sad for the kids involved with stupid parents interested in power games. Now ladies remember what goes around comes around you can not sweep a man clean of his properties and expect peace in your life and as for the men, relax if we are more educated than you or earn more than you its all for the family. Dont try to suppress us we are Kenyan women and have broken all the glass ceilings just love us
    Posted  February 11, 2012 11:06 AM  
  78. Submitted by Tolfo
    Your first family is your wife and children. Remittances back home should be limited to only needy cases, never as a duty. For those back in Kenya let them live on what they earn.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 10:21 AM  
  79. Submitted by pnyoro873
    I have walked the path! The man child is endangered! Back home he is trading with his back-side! Up here his in-betweens are under the pincers! But it all comes down to what kind of material is between his ears! Respect that woman and remember you can go back home and wait for her there! Atakuja huko mpatane!
    Posted  February 11, 2012 10:17 AM  
  80. Submitted by tirop2011
    We have always known that America is a woman is amazing even with such glaring biases they don't care.But always evil bears evil whether done by men or women.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 10:08 AM  
  81. Submitted by Bilawords
    In such circumstances,instead of sufferring for trumped up charges you just permanently harm or eliminate the spouse so that you are charged for real and the spouse also suffers, as Omare did. With that kind of law murders will continue!
    Posted  February 11, 2012 09:35 AM  
  82. Submitted by stevwaina
    Why are women soo materialistic and out there to finish men? I feel sorry for Nyaga who had to be deported just because he invited the girlfriend and educated her. The guy had good intentions for her. That's why I'm very cautious when dealing with women.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 09:25 AM  
  83. Submitted by tiat
    Most of what is described in the article happens to American men as well and there are many many cases of mainly men snapping as a result of custody battles. The situation is only heightened for Kenyan men in America as they have been accustomed to having it their way and the culture shock is too much to handle. It's true family laws in America are biased towards the women. Only the smart men who choose to be house husbands are likely to survive.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 08:58 AM  
  84. Submitted by Dumepevu
    Remember a story you had a year or so back about the Kenyan man who came back to Kenya to find the house he had gifted his x wife in an attempt to reconcile sold? Well,she is your wife until you migrate to America with her. I know hundreds who are living to regret how their Kenyan sweet hearts turned to devils.Now you may understand why some opt to the heinous homicides we keep hearing in the diaspora.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 08:46 AM  
  85. Submitted by karateka
    Men are endangered species in the west. A woman can do anything she likes and then call police armed with all sorts of false allegations. Many women take advantage of the fact that the authority will side with them regardless of whether they are lying. Many families have broken up as a result and men are ultimate losers. I urge those planning to relocate their families to the west to think twice.Believe me ,I have gone through the same experience.It is unfortunate that this injustice has remained unchallenged.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 08:15 AM  
  86. Submitted by rofi
    Before the end of 2012, or the world, which comes first, men are going to be arrested if a woman says that she 'thinks' that the man is planning something sinister, just the thought will be punishable, you watch this space.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 08:04 AM  
  87. Submitted by okundu
    This US laws are an Ass. It's not just Kenyan men suffering. Even Americans are suffering. You are lucky should you find a reasonable woman.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 06:50 AM  
  88. Submitted by dungaunuse
    After reading the story through, i feel for these buddies in Australia we say mates. My recommendation to all affected is, "go back to the cross roads". Immigrants kick out their faith in Christ Jesus who preaches humility, peace, and love when they get into the highly secularized world. Whether as a wife you get favoring court orders, or as a hubby you kill your wife cos of anger, you will never have peace, though you will walk around, you will be dead inside. Please people embrace Christ, he will deal with your pride, and it shall be well. Thanks
    Posted  February 11, 2012 06:35 AM  
  89. Submitted by primate
    This "justice"or "freedom" or whatever you wanna call it, has led to a total collapse of the black families in the US. I mean the African American family is now an endangered are growing without Dads at home leading to severe behavioral problems.And this plays into the hands of conservatives who love depicting blacks as irresponsible.Its sad that kenyans are falling into this trap.with child supports, alimonies,food stumps,social security "disabilities", unemployment checks,government subsidized housing, there is no incentive to have strong families among blacks in the US.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 06:19 AM  
  90. Submitted by alfotula
    Poor Kibet. Leave America and let's see how she will enforce matrimony.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 06:11 AM  
  91. Submitted by Kibogo66
    The laws are what they are and unfortunately the smarter women are taking advantage of them. Whereas there is no excuse for abuse there is abundance of a safety net against would be vindictive women such as the ones written about in this article. Make them sign prenuptial agreements or pre-marital agreements stating that should one choose to leave the marriage without due course they would only leave with their contribution. I definitely haven't touched on all the options men have, but men should find laws that protect them too-and-quit being naive whiners. DON'T abuse your women!!
    Posted  February 11, 2012 05:35 AM  
  92. Submitted by jerseyboy83
    That's why most Kenyan guys nowadays including myself don't bother messing with this Kenyan ladies in America coz they just pathetic and have a hidden agenda.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 04:58 AM  
  93. Submitted by Bziegnew
    How familia, what Kibet is going through is what i am going through right now in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. My wife who is A kenyan as my self, did not want to accept my older daughter whom i brought to join as from Kenya, she started arguement and called police told them that i thretten to kill her, i was removed from my marital home with my daughter then 12 yrs old, i was served with child support of $1200 for our two children and mortgage now she is pregnant with another mans child she's still living in our house.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 04:40 AM  
  94. Submitted by Quranyowaq
    Very accurate assessment, The one thing the writer neglected is that most Kenyan men believe that women are their property and that feeling is not tolerated in United States Of America. Kenyan men need not bring women from Kenya. They are a lot women who have found out that it is not glittering with gold on the other side either. They have matured and understanding of the disadvantage of living their husbands. They are easy to pick and if you respect them and leave all emotions aside they are fruitful full pleasure. Kenyan men need to stop be so imotional
    Posted  February 11, 2012 04:28 AM  
  95. Submitted by marston
    1. that is the rule of law. 2. the women will say, " I never forced him to pay for my fees or bring me to america." That's life, so men, pick up the pieces and move on.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 04:20 AM  
  96. Submitted by TOAVOJATOIVO
    If the kid missbehaves, spank it. If your spouse becomes "too "westernized also become "too westernized" yourself and file for a divorce and fight tooth and nail every inch, If all fails "Rudi nyumbani ukalime kanusu acre", then she can wait for alimony support otherwise will work 24/7 just to stay on the same spot. Hamurabi's law an eye for an eye. "Jawabu likikutatiza muulize mwenda wazimu”
    Posted  February 11, 2012 04:08 AM  
  97. Submitted by ndambs
    Yeah... I'll give you that some idiots out there are like that but not every woman is.We can all cry and moan about how unfair the world is but that doesn't solve anything, it only leaves you annoyed.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 03:58 AM  
  98. Submitted by mukafira
    Men who still get used by these kenyan girls have themselves to blame. It used to b love is blind. Now they expect rent n bills to b paid. Its high time you be a lil selfish. Get education. Marry educated gals as well. Then u can respect each other
    Posted  February 11, 2012 03:56 AM  
  99. Submitted by KIMLAND
    It is men who are not SUBMISSIVE who find the laws biased!
    Posted  February 11, 2012 03:42 AM  
  100. Submitted by Akilininywele
    I would like to warn Kenyan men, there is a difference in "buying a wife" and marrying your life partner. If you are buying a wife it does not matter where you are whether US or Kenya, it is always a relationship of taking advantage of one another. It would appear to me these relationship were doomed from the start.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 03:33 AM  
  101. Submitted by Thebull11
    Any person who throws his spouse or lover under the bus for selfish reasons always gets their dues in the longrun...most of these ladies realize later that it is not easy to be a single mother in the USA or away from family support network...and they end up on welfare.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 03:24 AM  
  102. Submitted by state
    Great story. Let's be fair- "Mkuki wa nguruwe, kwa binadamu u mchungu". There are a few men who've been mistreated by women, but this doesn't mean women become devils when they get here. Kenyan men are used to mistreating women starting from home and when most move they fail to understand the context has changed. Kenyan men in the US, tread carefully. And as my brother who has lived in the US for 50 years says, bring a woman from Kenya at your own peril. Once she gets here and learn what equality is, you are neutered!
    Posted  February 11, 2012 03:01 AM  
  103. Submitted by jobeka1
    It also happens in the UK. Woe on to you if you cross wana dada wa Kenya. You will hear them tell you this is the Queens land aka kwa Wangu and you better behave. All she has to do is make that call and your in the 'Hague'. Its no longer a mans world.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 02:58 AM  
  104. Submitted by sifa1sifu
    there are many men who "brought" their wives over and been successful in lifetime marriage even some building assets 2gether during prime years and retire back in africa with tremendous success. marital problems are prevalent evn in kenya where breadwinner/facilitator belittles the helpless one n those couples r not happy even in Kenya e.g. Obabe had been abusing the wife since b4. It is just that in USA laws take more drastic measures over some "abuse" cases with worse consequences. TRICK:follow GOD's model for marriage. that one will work in USA, Kenya, cave or north pole
    Posted  February 11, 2012 02:47 AM  
  105. Submitted by mapesa
    Mmmh! Foond for nthought!
    Posted  February 11, 2012 02:44 AM  
  106. Submitted by freddyde
    This is nonsense. It's not as plain as you make it sound. I live here, have a family here.Laws are not applicable in the 50 states. Judges award custody in the interests of children You are misinformed!
    Posted  February 11, 2012 02:28 AM  
  107. Submitted by mboka
    This is true and there are so many cases. The pain is... someone else is sleeping with your ex wife/girlfriend and she's still getting part of your salary every month; the so called child support.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 02:25 AM  
  108. Submitted by ogwilo
    And they should shape up in Kenya too. The world is flat. What happens in Vegas does not remain in Vegas anymore!
    Posted  February 11, 2012 01:54 AM  
  109. Submitted by MaizeScandal_23b
    This problem is real in North America. I have personally witnessed four kenyan men hounded out of their homes by women they brought to North America and took to school. These guyz never mistreated their women. Kenyan men are hesitant to marry from foreign communities and prefer to bring a girl from home. My advise to you is DONT. Stop this habit of bringing women from home. Marry whoever you find. I have seen situations that have left me in tears when an upright hard working and respectful kenyan man looses everything to a calculating female.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 01:39 AM  
  110. Submitted by Mfalme2020
    Those of us successful here know that we dont own any woman ( girlfriend, wife, etc, etc ). If your woman tells you No, she doesnt like you any more, it is time to walk away - not to be knocking at her door every night. A lot of relationships dont always work and we cannot force them to. If it gets to a point where you are shouting at each other, the man should walk out of the apartment , come back when things cool down maybe the next day or after a couple of days.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 01:32 AM  
  111. Submitted by Musa2843
    Imagine two dogs; one has always been fed, the other not well fed then you throw bones at them. The one that has never been fed well will grasp the none with full force and even get chocked. This is the case of African women abroad. They rush to the Police and social workers and cheat and take advantage of of newly found unexpected 'freedom'
    Posted  February 11, 2012 01:03 AM  
  112. Submitted by GeoffreO
    Divorcing because of a grocery list? Now, that's hilarious but true.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 12:53 AM  
  113. Submitted by Nabs
    The situation is exactly the same in the UK and other parts of Europe. It is not that women have wisened up, it is the fact that they are surrounded by so much fornication in western society, and lack the moral fortitude to resist both temptation and the tempters. Turn to most TV channels after sunset, and all they show is fornication and more fornication. Kenyan women in the west think this is new-found freedom and indulge, some to their detriment, which is spelt H - I - V. Sad, really.
    Posted  February 11, 2012 12:43 AM  
  114. Submitted by mkenya56
    It is not only in America where women and children have rights. I live in a western country where women and children have more rights. This is rightly so some men shouldn't simply be husbands or fathers, they are in capable of loving anyone but themselves. Kenyan laws do not protect women and children only on paper.It is about time something was done about it!
    Posted  February 11, 2012 12:30 AM  
  115. Submitted by masiimwiitu
    these men are victims of their upbringing,they should change or face the music, huko hamwezi kukalia bibi kama kenya
    Posted  February 11, 2012 12:11 AM  
  116. Submitted by babemo37
    From a woman's point of view I find this article misleading.
    Posted  February 10, 2012 11:57 PM  
  117. Submitted by koksyfish
    Cases like these happen here everyday! My advice to everyone who comes to the states....forget your lover from back home because more often than not, you'll end up just being someones ticket and after they are established you'll end up homeless and poor with a long rap sheet. If u have to date a fellow Kenyan, get yourself one who came to the States by their own means too.
    Posted  February 10, 2012 11:52 PM  
  118. Submitted by Ogallo
    A friend of mine also brought a wife from home like Nyaga. In fact I accompanied the friend to bring her from the airport. The husband paid college tuition for her and she graduated as Social Worker. The wife divorced him and she got children, child support and the house although she is earning about $ 70,000 pa. The husband lives in someone’s basement, does not have a car and is sickly. He has nothing to return to back in Kenya because the business they acquired together at home the wife’s brother has converted into his name.